Development Strategy
25%???? RUG!
We hear you, its definitely a spooky number. That's why we did it. We were scared of snipers. We care about the integrity of this project and vow to only use these holdings for the good of the project.
This is how it will be used;
5% goes to advertising and marketing
5% is being rolled back into the liquidity pool using Dev Wallet Distribution Rewards
5% is being burned
5% held for exchange listing and community rewards
5% consumed during soft launch ie, "pAy FoR dEX"
and we want to do more stuff for the community. So we will be buying more. After we roll it into liquidity, I think you see where we are going with this. Market Cap is good, but Liquidity is better. So we are gonna keep rolling (Buying and Burning) the Dev Wallet Rewards into Liquidity until we feel the project will no longer benefit. So, no, while technically not a "Fair Launch" we are taking all the steps we can to make up for the baby liquidity pool we started with
Last updated