Dirt Path
This is a Framework of our Roadmap, we will flesh it out more with its very own page once we can get this pesky website sorted ;)
Phase 1 Soft Launch Website/Socials populated and active 40 SOL Liquidity Burned 1% Supply Burned
Phase 2 Advertising/Marketing $5000 USDC Liquidity Burned 1000 Holders 2% Supply Burned
Phase 3 Website upgrades and DAPP integration Staking 5-10k Holders Community Voting System 1000 SOL Distributed 3% Supply Burned
Phase 4 Integration of Community voted use cases Exchange listing 25k Holders Advertising Squared 4% Supply Burned
Phase 5 We aren't terribly sure what the project is going to look like at this point. We plan to adapt and change as we grow, by the time this is relevant, our community will have chosen our goals. 5% supply burned
Last updated